Yeaaa...this time, I went out to KL with my friends from KMS.All of them are going to further their studies in Australia soon.YB was our driver, since he was the only one who stays in KL.He drove his dad's CRV.Sometimes, we felt as we were rich because we're on YB' CRV.Its not a cheap SUV.
This was a short outing.YB and Naim fetched me together with Mr T and Dumbell at KL Sentral air terminal.Without having any idea on where we wanted to go, YB just drove us for a short tour around KL hot spot, I think.Finally, we decided to go to Midvalley megamall since YB will sent me back to my hostel and the megamall is just 10 minutes from my hostel in Jalan Pantai Endah.
In Midvalley megamall, we did what most youngsters did.We went to play pool, and 'merendek'.Of course I'm not a good pools player.I just watched Mr T and Naim fight against each other.They're really funny.Mr T with his own style, and Naim with his own style.While waiting for them to finish their game, YB and I went to the surau to perform our solat.When we were heading back to YB's car, suddenly he informed us that the car key was no more with him.Maybe he dropped it somewhere.The last spot was pools center.No car key there.YB, who was already a half-dead man ran to the surau.Maybe he accidently left it there.Mr T and Dumbell was assigned to guard YB's CRV to avoid someone who found the key drive it away.Hahaha.Luckily, the key was at the surau, beside a 'tasbih' next to sejadah used by imam.Thank God! We perform our Isyak prayer soon after we found the key.YB said, "Tu tanda syukur, Tuhan nk suruh kita solat dulu".Wakaka.Maybe he was right.
Next, we went to have our dinner at Kerinchi cleanest stall, which is known as Ali Cafe.Delicious food but way too expensive, but we have no choice.That was the best we can get in Kerinchi.
haha.....yb2...suka tmbulkn kontrovesi...agaga....
yb sngt lawak:D
macam ku kenal restoran ini? Ali Cafe right? it's near by with fire opis =)
YB mmg camtu.Utk pengetahuan ko fairuz, kalu YB amik gambar, mcm tu la format muka dia.Kalu tgk format postur badan mesti ko tergelak.Kpd ruzaini yg mmg bdk UniKL, x yah duk terhegeh2 wat x tau yg tu Ali Cafe.
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